This is the best way to get rid of kidney stones naturally without surgery.
The research findings of Dr. Heinrich Ramm, the person who conducted the study, clearly states that he used a decoction of the whole dried ripe pod “of the taller variety.” According to this study, any variety from the beans family can be used.
This remedy is actually one of the popular herbal kidney stone treatments in Tamil Nadu, a southern state in India. They use fresh french beans.
There are many versions of this remedy floating around the net. The majority of them will tell you to scrape off the pods from the fresh bean pod before using it. Don’t do that!
Bean Decoction versus Ground Bean Juice
There are two different versions of the beans kidney stone treatment. Raw or cooked French bean juice is used as a treatment for kidney stones. Instead of straining the boiled bean water, the cooked beans are ground up along with the water to form a juice.
The strained water forms the bean decoction or bean tea. The decoction is a safer treatment for dissolving kidney stones as the ground up matter may irritate your stomach lining.
The Research Findings
According to his research on bean tea, Dr Ramm found:
“that renal and cardiac dropsies were speedily relieved. Urine largely increased in quantity, and in cases of albuminuria, the albumen quickly disappeared.
Dropsical effusion into pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum also yield to it. All chronic disorders of the urinary tract from kidneys to urethra, pyelitis, vesical catarrh, gravel, calculi, uric acid quickly disappear.”
You can choose to use whole dried bean pods instead of fresh ones, in the following recipe. Be warned that this is a potent drink that can create headache and nausea in certain people. Take extra care if you are a heart patient as too much of this drink can be harmful for you.
Bean Decoction Recipe
- 250 gms of fresh or dry bean pods with seeds [I use fresh french beans]
- 4 cups of filtered water
- Chop the beans pods into small pieces.
- Heat 4 cups of water till boiling hot.
- Add the chopped beans along with its seeds.
- Simmer for two hours on low fire.
- Remove from heat and allow the mixture the cool.
- Strain the water using a muslin cloth or a fine sieve.
- For those with gut sensitivities, it’s advisable to allow the finer sediments to settle to the bottom, before starting again. [6 – 8 hours]
- Now your decoction is ready for consumption. Use it all up within 24 hours of making it.
The Kidney Stone Treatment Procedure
- You can make the bean decoction late evening. Strain and allow the sediments to settle overnight. Its best to start your treatment early in the morning as the stone usually passes within 12 -14 hours.
- For the kidney stone treatment to be effective, you have to finish drinking your entire decoction within 24 hours. Start with small quantities and build up as long as you feel fine. Ignore minor nausea and headaches if you can.
- Build up the quantity to two glasses of bean tea every hour till the decoction is fully used up. Drink two glasses of water in between this process. It’s advisable to drink up to 2 litres of water. The more the water you can drink, the easier it becomes to flush out the stone.
- You can have light low-protein foods in between.
- You can collect the urine in a transparent glass or container to check for the stone. You may even see the stones exit when you pee. Allow the contents to settle down so that you can get a better idea. Usually the stones are broken up into smaller pieces.
You may or may not feel any pain. You may find the pain shifting from the back or the abs to the groin as the stone moves towards your bladder from the kidney. You may feel like peeing frequently even if the quantities are small and there may be a burning feeling when you do.
If you have been diagnosed with a big kidney stone, do not fear the pain – it’s usually the smaller stones that cause more pain and blood with their sharp edges. The bigger stones create more of a dull ache. But when they break up into smaller pieces, the sharp ends may cause bleeding. Cloudy or bloody urine is an indication that the stone is moving or breaking up. Take painkillers, if necessary.
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