Fitness is my passion. My aim is to simplify and present accurate health information – in a way that even a child can understand. Many of these articles were written when I needed to cut through myths and outdated medical data, scattered across the internet, and find out the truth for myself.
When our doctor couldn’t really answer what caused nonalcoholic fatty liver in my otherwise healthy and fit husband – we came up with the article – High Cholesterol? – Cut The Damn Sugar!
When his mother was diagnosed with diabetes and told it was an irreversible lifelong condition – we set out to research and find How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally
After a couple of childbirths and quite a bit of weight gain, my attention turned to learning about – What is the True Secret Behind Weight Loss? How do I Prevent Muscle Loss During Weight Loss?
One of my favorites: Scientific Evidence: Sleeping with your Head to the North may Cause Brain Damage was written after research on why our elders repeatedly told us not to sleep towards the north. Surely, that’s a myth, isn’t it?
I share these and more with you, so we can all journey towards healthier and happier versions of ourselves. Many of my fellow health writers and friends have contributed valuable, highly researched content to make Fitness Hacks a valuable resource to those looking to take responsibility for their own health.

Anju Mobin is a certified nutritionist with a 3-year graduate degree in B.Sc. Home Science (Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics). With an additional 4-year graduate degree in Fine Arts (BFA Applied Arts), she combines her passion for advertising with her knowledge of the health industry to create, develop and execute content marketing campaigns for healthcare products. She is the founder and managing editor of